Monday 19 March 2012

Tuesdays with Dorie - Irish Soda Bread

This week's Tuesdays with Dorie was Irish Soda Bread, just in time for St Patrick's Day.

Now I love Soda Bread so I was looking forward to making this.

As usual I halved the recipe as I didn't think I'd need all of it. The recipe did say that it only lasts for the day so I didn't see the point in making a big loaf. In any event Mr DJ was away this weekend so it was just me and Miss. It turned out half of the recipe was just perfect (and only took one pot of buttermilk).

The dough took no time to whip up and all it needed was a bowl, no need for the mixer.

You then cut a cross in the top of the dough to let the fairies out or some other nonsense. Here is mine on my greaseproof sheet.

As it used half the recipe I kept an eye on the bread and only cooked it for 40 minutes. Here is the finished product. It was so lovely, all got eaten. I had mine on it's own with a huge amount of butter (for research purposes obviously!) and also with some lovely strong cheese for lunch.


  1. Your bread looks delicious!

  2. What a lovely little loaf! I like the idea of halving the recipe, perfect to get you through dinner without any leftovers to go to waste!

  3. Your bread looks great! I loved the ease of this recipe.

  4. Lovely job! I think the cross is actually to keep it from cracking unattractively. It's funny how stories grow around these things, isn't it?

  5. Looks great! Glad you enjoyed it!

  6. What? You don't believe that we make the "X" in the bread so the fairies can fly out. Surely you jest. I svallowed that hook, line and sinker. I also slathered butter all over my delicious and warm soda bread. It does improve the taste. Your bread looked beautiful and I am glad you enjoyed it down to the last crumb. Mary Hirsch

  7. Hope the fairies got away :-)
    Looks good!
